Specialtillverkade möbler av högsta kvalitet
In collaboration with Charlie Styrbjörn and Olle K Engberg.
This cabinet offers a temporary storage for clothes, with a dignified and airy space for them to be refreshed and displayed in. You have the opportunity to hang garments on big cedar knobs, bars, hangers or just place them on the airy top of the cabinet. The cedar in the knobs spreads a wonderful fragrance in the cabinet, pulls out the moisture from the clothes and keeps pests away. When closed, the latticed doors create a revealing pattern. The thin ribs twist along their vertical path, and make the surface flow as if it was made of fabric. The airy structure lets air flow through the cabinet, which freshens the clothes to avoid unnecessary washing.
In collaboration with Charlie Styrbjörn and Olle K Engberg.
As an offspring of Cabinet Luftig, Cabinet Luftig Small is a wall mounted version, for storing accessories in a dignified and displaying way. The thin ribs in the door also twist along their vertical path and as in it’s bigger relative there is no bottom which allows the stored objects to hang freely. This small cabinet comes with different interiors for different needs, such as storing scarves, ties, jewelry, cufflinks, watches or keys.
Skrivbord i björk
Konferensbord 1800 ø. Skiva i Valchromat med vitt laminat och benställning i vitlackerad bok. I skivan finns två uttag för sladdgenomföring.
I samarbete med Ted Clemmedsson och Karoliina Priha.
I samarbete med Gudmund Bladh.